Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Bilateral Collaborations


Participants : Gaurav Chaurasia, Pierre-Yves Laffont, Adrien Bousseau, George Drettakis, Christian Richardt, Jorge Lopez-Moreno.

We have an ongoing collaboration with Yale University (Holly Rushmeier and Julie Dorsey), on weathering, resulting in the publication [17] . We continue this collaboration on stone aging.

We have an ongoing collaboration with Adobe Research (Sylvain Paris) and MIT (Fredo Durand) on intrinsic images for mutliple lighting conditions, resulting in the publication [19] .

We also collaborate with M. Banks, R. Ramamoorthi and M. Agrawala from the University of California, Berkeley in the context of our CRISP associate team, resulting in the publications [14] , [12] . Gaurav Chaurasia spent 6 weeks this summer at UC Berkeley in the context of this collaboration. Adrien Bousseau and George Drettakis also visited UC Berkeley for 3 days in August.


Participants : Gaurav Chaurasia, Sylvain Duchêne, George Drettakis.

We collaborate with O. Sorkine at ETH Zurich on image-based rendering, which resulted in a submission to ACM TOG.


Participant : George Drettakis.

We collaborate with the Max-Planck-Institut, Germany, where P. Vangorp is now a PostDoc. We collaborate on perception techniques for rendering and on interactions for virtual environments. This resulted in the following publication [13] .


Participants : George Drettakis, Adrien Bousseau.

We collaborate with C. Bosch who is now at the University of Girona (Spain), on weathering.


Participant : Adrien Bousseau.

We collaborate with F. Pellacini from Sapienza Università di Roma on lightfield editing.


Participant : Adrien Bousseau.

We collaborate with K. Singh (University of Toronto) and Alla Scheffer (U. British Columbia, Vancouver), on sketching techniques for designers. This collaboration resulted in the publication [20] and in the 3 weeks visit of Xu Baoxuan (PhD student at U. British Columbia).


Participant : George Drettakis.

We have continued the collaboration with A. Lagae from the Catholic University of Leuven, resulting in the publication [15] .